
Las Vegas Wranglers will keep this idea on ice

Tom Cruise's mea culpa with Matt Lauer is hard to take seriously with all the people in the background going nuts every time the camera cuts to his closeup. Even Matt Lauer asked if a governor could be so dumb. Esas fueron las primeras palabras del conductor del programa, "Today show", Matt Lauer. Por TOMOKO A. Tom Cruise (l) en Matt Lauer (r), hier in een potje armworstelen, hebben hun ruzie bijgelegd. By Stephen M. MATT LAUER: John, this had to be an embarrassing moment. JOHN YANG: Embarrassing and a little odd, Matt. At the end of the segment, host Matt Lauer talked with NBC’s chief medical editor, Nancy Snyderman. In 2008, the foursome included Tony Romo, Justin Timberlake and Matt Lauer.

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