
Nobel Literature Prize Announced

Swedish Academy president Horace Engdahl describes Le Clezio as a 'cosmopolitan, more of a nomadic writer'. Marie Gustave Le Clézio has been a prolific author on a range of themes over the last 45 years. The following comments do not necessarily represent the views of KSFY.com. Here's the New York Times story on Le Clezio, which notes that an American (Toni Morrison) last won the prize in 1993. M. Marie Gustave Le Clezio (luh klee-zee-oh) has won the 2008 Nobel Prize in literature. French novelist JMG Le Clézio was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize for Literature. Marie Gustave Le Clezio francia író kapta az idén az Irodalmi Nobel Díjat. Marie Gustave Le Clezio, France. _ 2007: Doris Lessing, Britain. Marie Gustave Le Clezio has won the 2008 Nobel Literature Prize, the Swedish Academy has announced.

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