
Raymond G. Kasten

�� Three Cape Lutheran Churches will join in a Hymn Festival at 7 pm Thursday at St. �� 4700 S. Main St., Green. Services for Agnes Citrowske, 90, of Canby, will be at 10:30 am Monday at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Canby. 684-9302. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 1301 Sebatian Blvd., 10 am, Nov. 7. Bring nonperishable food item, small child's socks. 5 pm, Nov. 22. (772) 879-1839. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in West Point was organized on Oct. 18, 1874. Articles of were presented by the Rev. Joe and Jill Doherty, a new husband and wife pastor team at New Promise Lutheran Church in St. Zeile, 53, a Republican, is pastor of St. John Lutheran Church and headmaster of its grade school. Downey Memorial Christian Church will join Christ Lutheran Church in hosting the alternative fair on Nov. 1. County Cooperative Ministries include Zion Lutheran Church, Moulton; St. Memorial service Oct. 31, 11 am, Bethany Lutheran Church, Minot. Visitation Oct. 30, 2 to 7 pm, Thomas Family Funeral Home, Minot. Minot Nodakords: 7:30 pm, First Lutheran Church, lower level. New members are welcome. The funeral for Myrtle E. Viker, 84, will be at 2 pm Monday at East St. Olaf Lutheran Church near Byron, with the Rev. The funeral for Lester E. Gatzke will be at 11 am Monday at Christ Lutheran Church in Preston, with the Rev. 0092. For more than 50 years, St. 11 am, St. John's Lutheran Church, 3104 Main St., Sumneytown. 19, 1953, she married Lloyd Nitz at Trinity Lutheran Church in Oshkosh. On April 11, 1944, he married the former Sylvia Wehausen at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.

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