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Michael Steele was elected chairman of the RNC, the first black person to hold that position. Michael Steele, at one point featured the candidates competing over who had the most Facebook friends. *And recently the Republicans elected Michael Steele as the first black RNC Party Chairman. Michael steele said drill baby drill. nigerian photshopped his face on womens bodies. AZ) and Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. By Michael Steele Thank you very much. As a little boy growing up in this town, this is awesome. I am extremely happy for Michael Steele. While I watched him speak after he was appointed, I felt genuinely glad for him. By Ken Silverstein “We have an image problem,” Steele said. GOVERNOR MICHAEL STEELE WILL HOLD THE SPOT. American. After a wild day of voting, Michael Steele finally emerged as the victor, beating out Katon Dawson in 6th ballot showdown. Michael Steele says his election marks "the dawn of a new party." Steele defeated four other candidates including former President George W.

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