
Palm Unveils New 'Nova' Software, 'Palm Pre' Phone

Wall Street seems convinced that the Pre is not a postscript for Palm (PALM), but the beginnings of its rebirth. Palm's Pre seems like one of the first worthy competitors to the iPhone (until you throw in the Sprint factor). 3:44 PM Palm Pre (PALM) seems to have stolen the show (CES). A great a example is the new device from Palm (Pre). Today, we ask Crave Editor Erica Ogg to join us for the first half and speak on the Palm Pre announcement. Mobile wasn't a wallflower at CES. ��The Palm Pre is the technology product I've been waiting for. Palm Pre : Number one with a bullet. free power is finally arriving. The Pre's Web OS UI and and UX really looks great. Palm, the honored granddaddy in handheld devices, unveiled its answer to iPhone with a smart new phone of its own, the Palm Pre. Palm 似乎也是第一個推出無線充電器的主要手商?這個充電器名為「Touchstone」。 Please keep your comments relevant to this blog entry. The first of which is called Palm Pre.

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