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3&fd=R&url=http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-jindal25-2009feb25,0,672720.story&cid=1308009214&ei=HvukSab5BIvqQvjZ_Z4N&usg=AFQjCNHosZxerJEYeucW7rasqb5STnwcQw">Jindal balancing national image, gubernatorial duties Los Angeles Times 8859-1&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=d&as_mind=3&as_minm=10&as_maxd=4&as_maxm=10&ncl=1308030453">all 660 news articles 2&fd=R&url=http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2009/02/obama-sets-gop-civil-war&cid=1308029301&ei=HvukSab5BIvqQvjZ_Z4N&usg=AFQjCNGoCrUrvDuwqjzrIRZYIYWV9gcQwQ">Obama Sets off GOP Civil War Mother Jones 8859-1&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=d&as_mind=3&as_minm=10&as_maxd=4&as_maxm=10&ncl=1308040556">all 2 news articles 8859-1&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=d&as_mind=3&as_minm=10&as_maxd=4&as_maxm=10&ncl=1308028098">all 4 news articles 2&fd=R&url=http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0209/19221.html&cid=1308004209&ei=HvukSab5BIvqQvjZ_Z4N&usg=AFQjCNEsdUktqp7K_vanGNgudMIxosf_jw">Bill Clinton to host Gillibrand fundraiser Politico 2&fd=R&url=http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2009/02/24/UPI_NewsTrack_TopNews/UPI-38511235482352/&cid=1308037952&ei=HvukSab5BIvqQvjZ_Z4N&usg=AFQjCNGbJ-zNDA1YC-fGwTK8uSVCn_oEfg">UPI NewsTrack TopNews United Press International 2&fd=R&url=http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/world/world/general/obama-to-halve-big-bush-debt-by-2013/1443128.aspx&cid=1308011748&ei=HvukSab5BIvqQvjZ_Z4N&usg=AFQjCNFgtujwYw8cUQt1TBQlW-CwoEVBdQ">Obama to halve big Bush debt by 2013 The Canberra Times

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2&fd=R&url=http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,25083413-5006014,00.html&cid=1303972121&ei=5sWeSdOpAZCk0QWItOWNAg&usg=AFQjCNHth9wknpVqnHuM0_BDq5AIGzE_mw">Jade Goody, dying of cancer, marries Jack Tweed on Sunday Daily Telegraph 2&fd=R&url=http://www.hindustantimes.com/Redir.aspx%3FID%3D6f6c2cf5-0343-4508-afd7-49357c883113%26SectionName%3DHomePage&cid=1306215508&ei=5sWeSdOpAZCk0QWItOWNAg&usg=AFQjCNGGdxHjonIF60yQMN_UjGxRqiuz5Q">Pray for Jade Goody, says Shilpa Shetty Hindustan Times 2&fd=R&url=http://www.dernewsticker.de/news.php%3Fid%3D87971&cid=1288792124&ei=5sWeSdOpAZCk0QWItOWNAg&usg=AFQjCNGM4z-bhS_zSXIotDOAm2A2BD_s3Q">Britische Regierung genehmigt sterbendem TV-Star Hochzeitsnacht derNewsticker.de (Pressemitteilung) 2&fd=R&url=http://www.depers.nl/entertainment/286558/Jade-gaat-niet-live-dood.html&cid=1276460357&ei=5sWeSdOpAZCk0QWItOWNAg&usg=AFQjCNGFhkqVJxJI7PAh3w9HGuxG3NIxmw">Jade gaat niet live dood DePers.nl 2&fd=R&url=http://aeiou.expresso.pt/gen.pl%3Fp%3Dvticker%26fokey%3Dex.stories/498742&cid=1284798448&ei=5sWeSdOpAZCk0QWItOWNAg&usg=AFQjCNF6bC9UX-TyNjkpq-mEIkg8Qt16ug">Vídeo: Morte em directo na televisão britânica Expresso 2&fd=R&url=http://www.altonivel.com.mx/notas/18075-Muerte-televisada-de-un-%25C2%25B4ex-Big-Brother%25C2%25B4-causa-controversia&cid=1287011966&ei=5sWeSdOpAZCk0QWItOWNAg&usg=AFQjCNErKxBa1-pIu0rP9EroKtgAQfnrgQ">Muerte televisada de un ´ex Big-Brother´ causa controversia Alto Nivel

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Britse helikopter met 18 mensen in zee gestort

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Both companies introduced the HTC Magic at the MWC in Barcelona expected to ship in the UK, Spain, Germany and France. Het is onduidelijk of de HTC Magic ook in Nederland op de markt komt. based smart phone. The HTC Magic is the second Android phone after the G1. phone that Vodafone and HTC unveiled today. But today, at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, HTC and Vodafone unveiled a successor: the HTC Magic. powered phone that we had otherwise known as the G2. out keyboard that the T-Mobile G1 has. Firma HTC ujawniła HTC Magic, swojego drugiego smartfona opartego na systemie Google Android. Google Android is currently available only on HTC G1 device in the market currently. Mobile. Oh yes, and not picture here, the Saphire turned out to be the HTC Magic Android-based device.

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Ber Telenor blokkere The Pirate Bay

�� en av de fire tiltalte i Pirate Bay-saken. től. There has been high drama on the second day of the Pirate Bay trial. Rättegången mot Pirate Bay har lockat journalister från hela världen till Stockholm. Rättegången mot Pirate Bay har inletts. Den känns märklig, ungefär som en kamp mot väderkvarnar. teknik. Twórcy serwisu The Pirate Bay stanęli przed sądem. In Zweden is het proces gestart tegen vier verantwoordelijken van de torrentsite The Pirate Bay. трекера The Pirate Bay, обвиняемого в нарушении законов об авторском праве, начался сегодня в Стокгольме. I brevet ble Telenor bedt om å utestenge The Pirate Bay fra deres nett.

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The sixth interim budget presented by Pranab Mukherjee had a host of goodies for agriculture and rural development. 09 touched 17.1 per cent. Much along expected lines, bargain hunting by funds and traders fuelled a rally last week on the stock markets. Traders said they preferred to wait for the interim Budget for cues on both fiscal and monetary policies.

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Kadeem Jacks rattled off Pittsburgh, Seton Hall and Rutgers thus far. "Thabeet, to me, might be the best player in the country," Seton Hall coach Bobby Gonzalez said. The Gophers open their season against Seton Hall on Friday in Clearwater, Fla. point halftime lead was the second-largest lead by a CU opponent this season behind a 30-point halftime lead by Seton Hall on Dec. The two point guards struggled, especially in Tuesday night's home loss against Seton Hall. 54NEWARK, NJ (AP) _ Hasheem Thabeet was that good. makers. Next up for Pitt is Connecticut, which won its 13th consecutive game Saturday at Seton Hall. Alas, Seton Hall eventually figured out the Thabeet is tall, smart and defensively skilled. EAST Adelphi 68, Molloy 67, OT American U. 69, Colgate 44 Binghamton 60, Boston U. 54 over Seton Hall on Saturday. 60 decision. Mr.

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team coach Ray Wilkins has laughed off reports that skipper John Terry could be contemplating leaving the club. L’entraîneur intérimaire de Chelsea, Ray Wilkins, est certain que John Terry ne quittera pas Londres cet été. Ray Wilkins does not think Guus Hiddink will want to leave Chelsea once he has tasted life in the Premier League. in manager Ray Wilkins denied player power was behind the sacking of Luiz Felipe Scolari. Ray Wilkins, qui a dirigé l’équipe de Chelsea face à Watford, se montrait très satisfait de la victoire des Blues. also 10 suicides, 11 accidental and six natural deaths 19. Los londinenses se midieron al Watford con Ray Wilkins en el banquillo y Guus Hiddink en el palco. Neither did Ray Wilkins, another Tord Grip. in Chelsea manager Ray Wilkins denied player power was behind this week’s sacking of Luiz Felipe Scolari. He'll be up against Ray Wilkins, caretaker manager while Guus Hiddink tries to learn all of his new players' names. Hiddink oggi era in tribuna, mentre in panchina c'era Ray Wilkins, che dovrebbe lasciargli il posto dalla prossima gara. En esta ocasión, a la espera del relevo, el titular del banquillo fue el técnico adjunto del equipo, Ray Wilkins. �� ex-auxiliar de Felipão — saiu atrás no placar. cupmøtet med Watford. Megbízott menedzser: Ray Wilkins. assistente do técnico Felipão, Ray Wilkins. Ricordo volentieri anche Ray Wilkins".

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shot lead at Pebble Beach. Cambia ancora la situazione al torneo PGA di Pebble Beach dopo il terzo giro: ora al comando c'è Dustin Johnson. Dustin Johnson ser härliga saker hägra i fjärran: start i WGC Accenture Match Play, en plats i Masters och US Open. under 67 and opened a four-stroke lead over Mike Weir at the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. shot advantage over Mike Weir. under 132 and had a two-shot lead over Dustin Johnson. 10. TEEF' GOO'-sehn) has a two-stroke leader over Dustin Johnson through two rounds of the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. under 132 and had a two-shot lead over Dustin Johnson. under 132 and had a two-shot lead over Dustin Johnson. under 132 and had a two-shot lead over Dustin Johnson.

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Valley reunion for University of Calgary e

If so, a unique opportunity is offered to parents, grandparents, guardians and interested adults in the Comox Valley. 331-8504 ext. 48115. This free public forum is generously sponsored by Clinical Sleep Solutions. is proud to offer residents and guests of the Comox Valley its first green Day Spa. I work at St. Joseph's Hospital as well as for the private Comox Valley Surgical Associates. Right here in the beautiful Comox Valley is where the story began. Comox Valley RCMP are looking for the person or persons responsible for passing counterfeit money locally. The Comox Valley Multicultural and Immigrant Support Society is hosting a fundraising dance on Valentine's Day. The Comox Valley attracts many visitors from the Prairies, especially Calgary.

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Maar Alfie Patten is er wel heel vroeg bij. Alfie Patten became a father few days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15, gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne. Třináctiletý taťka Alfie Patten strávil první noc se svým miminkem. årige engelske pojkpappan Alfie Patten har varit massiv och nästan utan motstycke. letni Alfie Patten został ojcem. Mamą jest jego o 2 lata starsza koleżanka, Chantelle. 13일(한국시간) 영국의 일간지 '더 선(The Sun)'은 13세의 나이에 아빠가 된 알피에 피턴(Alfie Patten)의 사연을 소개했다. Alfie Patten tiene 13 años, aunque por su cara aniñada no aparenta más de 7 u 8. E’ la storia di Alfie Patten, un bambino dell’Est Sussex, Gran Bretagna. Alfie Patten's girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15, gave birth to Maisie Roxanne four days ago. Angielski trzynastolatek Alfie Patten został ojcem. Alfie Patten tem 13 anos, mas não aparenta ter mais de sete ou oito. Tem cara de bebé e já é pai de um. Alfie Patten sieht mit seinen 13 Jahren wie ein achtjähriger aus. �� conceived when he was TWELVE.

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If that's your i

Your newest Raptors are "The Matrix" Shawn Marion, and Marcus Banks. First and foremost, so long, Jermaine O'Neal. The Miami Heat made a blockbuster trade getting Jermaine O’Neal in a deal for Shawn Marion. �� Shawn Marion's most memorable play with the Miami Heat was his last. RAPTORS TRADE: Shawn Marion's most memorable play with the Heat was his last. By Celticsfanatic We all know about the Shawn Marion, Marcus Banks for Jamario Moon and Jermaine O'Neal trade. bee. The. Raps. Are. Back. Heats 95, Bulls 93: At Chicago, Shawn Marion's dunk with 1.1 seconds left won it. I’ll take C: Shawn Marion. But seriously, interim Bulls coach Vinny Del Negro seemed to indicate he would want Rose to take that shot. OK.

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Trailer zu God of War 3 zu sehen. Vous êtes sans doute nombreux à avoir découvert le dernier trailer de God of War III avec un Kratos plus furieux que jamais. W sieci pojawił się nowy zwiastun oczekiwanej przez wielu fanów gry God of War III. God of War (SCEA), 4. Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection (Konami), 5. Ar tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica (NIS America). The team's joy at plummeting towards a planet named for the Roman god of war is not unfounded. God of War 3 is another exclusive that many fans have been waiting with baited breath for its release.

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Beverly Eckert was on her way to Buffalo for a scholarship ceremony named in her husbands honor. One of the confirmed victims of the crash was Beverly Eckert, a Sept. 11 widow and activist. One of the victims, Beverly Eckert, a Sept. A 9/11 family activist says one of those on board was Beverly Eckert, whose husband died in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Beverly Eckert, a victim of the Feb. My name is Beverly Eckert. I’m appearing here today as a member of the 9/11 Commission’s Family Steering Committee. The Buffalo News reported that one of the victims was Beverly Eckert, whose husband was killed in the Sept. Among the passengers killed was Beverly Eckert, a September 11 widow. Beverly Eckert had become an activist on terrorism matters and was at the White House with other 9/11 families last week. The 9/11 widow on board was identified as Beverly Eckert. One of the victims of the crash, Beverly Eckert, met with Obama last week when he spoke with families of victims of the Sept. And one person who understood that well was Beverly Eckert, who was on that flight and who I met with just a few days ago. Beverly Eckert had been traveling to Buffalo to mark what would have been her late husband’s 58th birthday. The Associated Press reports that aboard the flight was Beverly Eckert, a Sept. �� Beverly Eckert, Sept 11 widow and activist, killed in Buffalo crash.

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In the second race, Kyle Busch held off Mark Martin and Brian Vickers for the win. >>Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch won Daytona qualifiers Thursday. Middletown's Joey Logano was fourth in his race. Kyle Busch won the second Daytona 500 qualifying race, holding off Mark Martin in a frantic push to the finish. Congrat to Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch for their wins today in the Duel Race’s. This Crew supports the Nascar Stanley project. Then, despite being outperformed, Mears kept his Hendrick seat and the much more capable Kyle Busch was released in favor of Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch both celebrated in Victory Lane, far away from the real winners of the Daytona 500 qualifying races. The winner of this contest will have the opportunity to have a photo of their dog featured on Kyle Busch's No. time points champ Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch won today's twin Daytona 500 qualifying races. mile qualifying races, Kyle Busch brought his No. With Martin in the pits, Denny Hamlin goes to the lead with his teammate Kyle Busch running second. In the Nationwide practice, Lagasse was followed on the speed charts by Mike Bliss, Kyle Busch, Michael Waltrip and Brad Keselowski. Kyle Busch: Nobody knew what happened last year. Kyle Busch will not let that happen to him again. Joe Gibbs Racing (Denny Hamlin, Joey Logano, Kyle Busch). Matt Kenseth (191.347), Jeff Gordon (191.335) and Kyle Busch (191.054) also topped 191 mph during the afternoon session.

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571 LOS ANGELES _ Joaquin Phoenix is torn between two lovers in what he professes will be his last film. profile night at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema as “Two Lovers” made its New York City premiere. Gwyneth Paltrow and a bearded Joaquin Phoenix wear black for a screening of their new film, Two Lovers, in New York. The highly sensual work is based on a 1908 painting by Gustav Klimt, an Austrian symbolist artist, depicting two lovers kissing.

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The preternaturally perky Mandy Moore, 24, and sarcastic rocker Ryan Adams, 34, are engaged. actress Mandy Moore and rock singer Ryan Adams are engaged. Mandy Moore is engaged to musician boyfriend Ryan Adams. The couple have been on and off for little less than a year. No other details have been released. Mandy Moore's publicist says the US actress and recording artist is set to marry singer/songwriter Ryan Adams. It was just announced that Mandy Moore's clothing line Mblem is folding. Mandy Moore is getting a license to wed rocker Ryan Adams. Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams are engaged. Ha ha ha! Needless to say, I don't think their relationship will last very long. Mandy Moore has announced her engagement to hipster rock star Ryan Adams. actress Mandy Moore have announcement their engagement, Us reports. (Foto: Clasos) Mandy Moore está a un paso de dar el sí definitivo, pues se comprometió con su novio, el rockero Ryan Adams. Mandy Moore et le musicien Ryan Adams se sont fiancés. Les deux se fréquentent de façon intermittente depuis mars 2008. Industry professionals say Will Smith is the most bankable star in Hollywood … First Reading favorite Mandy Moore is engaged to Ryan Adams. Freund Ryan Adams haben sich verlobt. Will Smith topped Forbes' Hollywood bankability list this year. Singer-actress Mandy Moore and rock singer Ryan Adams are engaged. MANDY MUST'VE KISSED HIM AND STOPPED HIM FROM SHAKING: Mandy Moore and rocker Ryan Adams are engaged, according IMDB.com.

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said House and Senate negotiators have agreed to limit the tax break to small businesses only. Now, the House and Senate will have to hash out their differences in a conference committee to agree on a final version. The House and Senate agreement on a cheaper package draws focus away from TARP hearings on the Hill. Members of the US House and senate have agreed on a compromise of President Obama's economic stimulus bill. and Senate-passed economic stimulus legislation updated. Bargainers for the House and Senate and the White House have already agreed to keep it under $800 billion. President Obama plans to speak to a joint session of the House and Senate on Feb. 24. AP Louisiana Gov. and Senate-approved plan on the president's desk within the next few days. The bill will still have to go through the full House and Senate before it heads to Gov. Steve Beshear.

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Top National News Right Now

enhancing drug use in baseball. �� All-Star shortstop Miguel Tejada pleads guilty to lying to Congress about steroids in baseball. Miguel Tejada is expected to plead guilty. He's accused of lying when he denied knowing about a former teammate's use of drugs. Rod lied to fans, but at least he didn't lie to Congressional investigators, like Miguel Tejada is alleged to have. Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens, Rafael Palmeiro, Jason Giambi, Andy Pettitte, Miguel Tejada and now Alex Rodriguez. enhancing drugs. Baseball player Miguel Tejada (mee-GEL' tay-HAH'-dah) has been charged with lying to Congress about steroids.

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A Week of Parties, With a Game at the End
UFC 2009 Undisputed Official Site Launched
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AT&T Pebble Beach player spotlight: Davis Love III

Instructor Jim Hardy, left, works with pro Jay Delsing on the 16th hole at Pebble Beach Golf Links on Tuesday. As the AT&T Pro-Am Golf Tournament is underway this week, golfers and spectators may go a bit hungry. known companies” politely declined invitations to participate in this week’s AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. „Volalo mi asi tři sta lidí se žádostí o rozhovor,“ řekl překvapený Hayes, který ode středy startuje na Pebble Beach. Am. Stay tuned for more Kodak Challenge next week as players complete one of the most famous holes in all of golf. "That was an excuse to go to Scotland where he played at St. Am. Played today through Feb. 15 on Poppy Hills, Spyglass and Pebble Beach golf courses. Few golf courses can cite the history, the beauty and the reputation of Pebble Beach Golf Links. I have a picture of Davis Love III with the Pebble Beach trophy from 2001 posted. There is a reason. Am. TEAM PLAYER. Love is eager to qualify for the 2009 Presidents Cup team in San Francisco. PAYNE STEWART AWARD.

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Agostini: Reading time, two minutes
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Julius Irving, Ozzie Smith, Michael Strahan and 25 Celebrities Get ...

Star game. The usual assortment of Detroit Pistons players won't be on display at the All Star game Sunday night in Phoenix. News invite you to post your thoughts on this article or column in the box below. Star Weekend. Star Game Weekend and will be judging the slam-dunk competition. Star Game. The Redlands Kirkorian Cinema 14 will broadcast TNT's NBA All-Star game live in 3-D at 5 pm Saturday Feb. 14. Star weekend, members of the NBA's dance squads model swimsuits inspired by their team colors. Feb. Note: Movie showtimes are subject to change. For possible updates to this schedule, please call the theater. Star Event in Phoenix. the economy and the NBA All-Star Game. star tournament will have a bevy of hosts like Ozzie Smith, Michael Strahan and Clyde Drexler.

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Countdown: Previewing Sunday's Week 16 games

'Wicked' cast in Birmingham, Alabama, will include Broadway veterans

Speaking in Fort Myers, Mr Obama called the Senate's approval of the bill "good news". AP FORT MYERS, Fla. 27 at the Riverbend Golf & Riverclub in North Fort Myers, to benefit the organization's character education program. "North Fort Myers is an important area to our area," he said. Following are President Obama's remarks in Fort Myers, Fla., as provided by the White House. Fort Myers High School. Boston's pitchers and catchers report to Fort Myers, Fla., on Thursday, and the rest of the team won't be far behind. Mr. The South Fort Myers High School seniors grew up singing in church, at Mount Herman Ministries in Fort Myers. 10, in Fort Myers High School's Auditorium, 2635 Cortez Blvd. 19 after opening in Fort Myers, Fla., in March.

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Val d'Isere 2009 : Vonn wins again and Svindal takes the Men's ...

G. Skiing: American Lindsey Vonn won the downhill for her second gold at the world championships in Val d'Isere, France. Die Amerikanerin Lindsey Vonn hat gestern an den Weltmeisterschaften in Val d'Isère die Abfahrt gewonnen. VAL D'ISERE, France (AP) American Lindsey Vonn has struck gold once again. The Women's Downhill saw American Lindsey Vonn win her second Championship gold following her Super G win on the opening day.

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Frequently, its material came adapted from horror's most popular authors, including Stephen King and Clive Barker. More recently he played the "irate diner" in a 2005 Stephen King movie, Gotham Café, which he coproduced. [Reuters] Stephen King does not believe the Kindle will do to the book industry what the iPod did to the music industry. If you read Falkner or Stephen King or whatever, it could be on one of those Kindle gadgets. Xenia: Stephen King is trying to be funny. But let us go back to the wisdom of Russell Smith. choreographed Kindle 2.0 launch. selling novelist Stephen King … about 1 hour ago from TwitterFox Always knew Stephen King was a shill. By Stephen King As a symbol of the growing protectionist backlash, it’s hard to beat the recent protests in the UK. turned-blockbuster movie that established him as the Stephen King of his genre. not even Stephen King. He recognized the hotels and restaurants around the airport and looked, in vain, for author Stephen King’s house.

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Keys, Coldplay lead American Music Award nominees
Kraft South Beach entrees OD on salt
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Daniel Craig is BAFTA Bold

WINNING STREAK: Director Danny Boyle and AR Rahman arrive at the British Academy of Film and Television Awards event in London. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) have just announced the recpients of thier 2009 awards. Angelina Jolie arriving at the 2009 British Academy Film Awards with Brad Pitt yesterday (Feb. 8th). By (AP) Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. It used to mean that the British Academy was simply sticking up for its own. Modbee.com is pleased to be able to offer its users the opportunity to make comments and hold conversations online. year-old actor will present an award during the British Academy Film Awards ceremony.

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His last time out, this senior took on a very Republican challenge
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Credit derivatives: CDS clearing hits a territorial bump

Today's Seven Summits Strategic Investments NewsBites cover the following stocks: Baidu, Inc. (Nasdaq: BIDU), NYSE Euronext, Inc. based NYSE Euronext. 2) NYSE Euronext reported earnings a bit below expectations ($0.52 vs. $0.55). NYSE EuroNext's (NYX) earnings confessional is another sore spot for a few bulls. 66.8** 9.6 6. Nasdaq OMX Group (NDAQ.O) 5.05 -38.9 11.8 7. Mr. Richard Homburg, Chairman and CEO of Homburg Invest Inc. NYSE Euronext (NYX) is down 7 percent after reporting quarterly earnings of 55 cents, which missed Street estimates by 3 cents. NYSE Euronext (NYSE: NYX) swung to a $1.3 billion loss after writing down the value of Euronext. NYSE Euronext (NYX) posted adjusted earnings of $0.52 per share for its latest quarter. That was $0.0.3 less than analysts expected. NYSE Euronext said Monday it will maintain its current quarterly dividend of 30 cents per share. line. NYSE Euronext subsidiary Liffe launched its CCP initiative in December, the first in Europe.

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Friday ey
Memorial to Buddy Holly pilot dedicated at crash site

Photos of supe

reader has only just been confirmed by Amazon, but already it’s up for pre-order on the site. order starting today, and will ship February 24. reader. By Matt Hamblen February 9, 2009 (Computerworld) Amazon.com Inc. The new Kindle, still priced at $359 on Amazon's website http://amazon.com/kindle2, is available for preorder, and will ship Feb. its second digital e-book reader. Changes to the Kindle 2? You can see, it's very obviously thinner than the Kindle. book reader features a sleeker design and lower price. Amazon vient de lancer son kindle 2 et il est comme sur les photos provenant des fuites. In today's podcast: Europe invites Mozilla in on Microsoft case; Amazon Kindle 2 to debut; and Mac cloners win legal battle. The rumor mill hit fever pitch in the past few days, with leaked images and basic details purporting to be the Kindle 2 surfacing. book reader at a press event in New York. generation Kindle will be introduced at an Amazon event in New York today. It's an appropriate time to ask, as Amazon prepares to unveil the latest version of its electronic reader, the Kindle 2. Kindle 2 będzie cieńszy, ale nie będzie przez to droższy. This is the Kindle 2, according to an unconfirmed leak. There are currently no comments for this blog entry.

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Heute erstes Urteil im Fall Meredith Kercher Staatsanwalt fordert ...
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Que ce soit sur son côté ou dans l'axe, suite à l'expulsion d'Emmanuel Eboué, l'ancien Marseillais est resté discret. Instead it was Emmanuel Eboue who took centre stage. Arsenal: Emmanuel Eboue is almost the hero and the villain at the same time. he's few people's favourite right now. Emmanuel Eboue last night told Arsenal fans: I'm sorry for blowing our derby chances. idag ångrar han sig. A döntetlenre az Arsenal lehet a büszkébb, hiszen Emmanuel Eboué kiállítása miatt több mint 50 percig emberhátrányban játszott. 0 at Tottenham Hotspur after Emmanuel Eboue was sent off. 0 draw at rivals Tottenham after Emmanuel Eboue was sent off. speler Emmanuel Eboué heeft scheidsrechter Mike Dean bekritiseerd vanwege het afkeuren van zijn doelpunt. Y acto seguido, a los 37, el defensor Emmanuel Eboue fue expulsado al recibir su tarjeta amarilla por una patada que le propinó a Luka Modric.

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Lamar Odom a pris le relais d’un Kobe Bryant malade pour infliger aux Cavs leur première défaite de la saison à domicile. Neun mehr glückten Lamar Odom, was eine persönliche Saisonbestleistung bedeutete. That's what motivated him to deal stalwarts like Glen Rice, PJ Brown, Jamal Mashburn, Lamar Odom and Caron Butler. 5/20 de cancha-, 9 rebotes, 12 asistencias), pero la figura en el triunfo de LA Lakers sobre Cleveland 101-91 fue Lamar Odom (28 y 17). Spory wkład miał w to Lamar Odom. Skrzydłowy gości w samej trzeciej kwarcie miał aż 10 zbiórek i zdominował grę na tablicach. 10, he can do a lot of things. Last I checked he wanted a new contract.

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Area musicians vie for Grammys

Hudson has been nominated for four awards tonight at the 51st Grammy Awards Show. Yo and Jamie Foxx, will team for a Four Tops tribute tonight during the 51st annual Grammy Awards. by Liz Barrett, Celebrity News Examiner She's clean. She's sober. And her pipes are still humming. telecast. Nominees for the Grammy Awards are selected by the recording academy. One would think the Grammy Awards might generate the same amount of buzz as the Oscars later this month among gamblers. up window, so make sure you allow pop-up for this site.) Pop culture enthusiasts have come to the right place. 1K Mario Tarradell previews today's Grammy Awards and says there should be one clear winner: Alison Krauss and Robert Plant's disc, Raising Sand. 1E. By Andrew Gans The 51st Annual Grammy Awards, the music industry's premier event, will be presented Feb. The Grammy Awards is the place for some pretty impressive team ups. The spot is scheduled to debut during tomorrow night's Grammy Awards, but Microsoft is offering a preview online today. Here's the clip. Polka legend Jimmy Sturr of Orange County and Woodstock resident Jack DeJohnette are also up for Grammy awards.

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Micheal, We hope that when eventually the Pakatan Rakyat comes to power, you would be given the opportunity to head a Ministry. I want the Pakatan Rakyat state government back,” he added. Hitting out at Hee, M. "Pakatan Rakyat no longer has the glamour it enjoyed 10 months ago.

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Members of the US Coast Guard walk across the frozen Lake Erie as they attempt to reach stranded fishermen. A massive ice rescue operation on Lake Erie, update on Friday's school bus crash, 110 UAW workers are headed back to work. This made for one slushy ice surface on Lake Erie. Just like they do on Lake Erie, though I'd recommend slightly smaller lures. wide ice flow adrift in Lake Erie. We've moved. Please read the story from our redesigned website, spokesman.com. Out here along the shores of Lake Erie, we hear him. 5 pm $8 adults, $5 under 12, toddlers free. Free refreshments. 18). “That’s why I don’t really like to fish Lake Erie, because this happens,” Hasty said. friendly web site, so please keep the language clean when you add your comments. She said Lake Erie was interested in her for a while.

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lap pass to steal a Daytona 500 victory. He's apparently got the move mastered. Torna a vincere a Daytona Kevin Harvick, dopo il successo nella 500 Miglia di 2 anni orsono. starts SpeedWeek at Daytona Beach. Second, Jeff Burton and Kevin Harvick talked in the offseason about the team needing more speed to lead more laps. The Kevin Harvick was able to sling shot past Jamie for the lead of the race. Kevin Harvick looked like he was completely out of this race made a monumental comeback to win the Budweiser Shootout. Neither Hylton or '07 Daytona 500 winner Kevin Harvick (who hasn't won a race since) went out in the second session. speedway when, at Phoenix, he found himself having a shop talk with Kevin Harvick. Box zurückgepfiffen.

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Austin girls grab Big Nine victory

Cheri Register won the 2001 American Book Award for "Packinghouse Daughter," her memoir of growing up in Albert Lea, Minn. �� Instead of an “Extreme Makeover” for a home, this time it’sa makeover for a kitchen. Senators and representatives from both parties and I are planning to meet in Albert Lea from 10 am to noon on Friday, Feb. Halla is practically a native of Albert Lea, having lived here since she was just a few years old. to 20-year-olds. Albert Lea Police Lts. �� Some of the music may, indeed, have died Feb. �� The Austin Big Band will perform at a St. Valentine’s dance at Albert Lea on Friday. Freeborn County itself built a new jail in downtown Albert Lea five years ago. 0 win. 43 win in Mankato. �� “I’ve lost count on the total number of fireplaces I’ve ever made. All members are welcome. Pat Mulso is the executive director of the Freeborn County Historical Museum in Albert Lea. Grocery delivery: On the second Wednesday of every month, grocery boxes are delivered to senior apartment buildings in Albert Lea. 5 overall) travels to Albert Lea for a rivalry game on Tuesday night.

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50, and Sports Illustrated rated them 11th-best in the 15-team East. Said Sund. The KKC was named as number 85 on the list of "102 More Things You Gotta Do Before You Graduate" by Sports Illustrated. studio on MLB Network today at 2:15 pm ET. Sports Illustrated is reporting that Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids while with the Texas Rangers. clad models go wild in Italy. NEW YORK (AP) Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in his MVP season of 2003, according to a report by Sports Illustrated. Also, Sports Illustrated is among the media entities seated along press row. The swimsuit issue accounts for 11% of "Sports" Illustrated's annual revenue, an SI honcho said on Bloomberg last night. The cover of the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue will be be revealed. Two nights later, the cover model gets the Letterman treatment. clad models go wild in Italy. clad models go wild in Italy. clad models go wild in Italy.

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Tentative deal reached on stimulus bill

He praised the agreement reached late Friday by a coalition of Senate Democrats and moderate Republicans. President Obama, Feb. 4. B. We've heard the calls for a more open, transparent government. 800-382-9467 or visit www.senatedemocrats.in.gov. US Senate Democrats say they’ve reached a tentative agreement with some moderate Republicans on the economic stimulus bill. AP WASHINGTON (AP) Senate Democrats have reached agreement with key Republicans on a deal. Senate Democrats were now mulling the compromise, which would cap the package at $780 billion.

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Un milione di libri in tasca con Google Book Search

目前,電子書發行商Mobipocket已經針對多款智慧型手機提供電子書內容,谷歌(Google)日前也宣布,Book Search服務所提供的電子書內容可在蘋果iPhone上閱讀。 Check out some Elton John charity iPod nanos, Apple's growth according to Forbes, Google Book Search on the iPhone, and more. Buchsuchdienst „Google Book Search“ erscheint nun auch eine mobile Version für das Handy. by Deirdre McArdle Google has adapted its Book Search site for the Apple iPhone and for its own Android mobile platform. Con Book Search sarà possibile accedere direttamente dal cellulare ad una libreria virtuale che contiente milioni di libri.

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Remarkable connections between University of St Andrews,Charles ...

NEW HAVEN Yale Center for British Art “Endless Forms: Charles Darwin, Natural Science and the Visual Arts.” Thursday through May 3. She married Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin inspired a new scientific field with his theories on natural selection and evolution. A survey by the Theos Think Tank in the UK on Charles Darwin revealed a surprising result recently. What emerges is that Nazism is indeed a kind of applied Darwinism, unintended by Charles Darwin himself, of course. The Namaqua Forum will celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday from 7 to 9 pm Feb. Inside was something different: a biography of Charles Darwin. Celebrate Charles Darwin: Paleontology Curator Eric Scott will present a lecture on the life and times of Charles Darwin. Remarkable connections between the University of St Andrews and Charles Darwin will be made public next week.

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DeMint wants Guantanamo detainees kept outside US territory

War On Terror: Charges against the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole are dismissed. Their sailor son died in the October 2000 suicide bombing of the USS Cole. Lou Gunn of Virginia. Rahim al-Nashiri was the last active case at Guantanamo. 11, 2001, terror attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000 that killed 17 sailors. 11 terrorist attacks and the USS Cole bombing and their families as his administration reviews how to handle detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. da 4 minuti In this Oct. 20, 2007 file photo, a small boat guards the USS Cole in Aden, Yemen. In the afternoon Mr. Obama will meet with families of the victims of the attacks of September 11th and the attack on the USS Cole. Then later today, Obama meets (closed to the press) with families and victims of 9/11 and the USS Cole bombing. Later, he’ll meet with the families of victims of the 9/11 and USS Cole attacks. 11, 2001, attacks and USS Cole bombing to discuss his decision to shut down the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Also quoted in the story is Retired Navy Cmdr. Kirk S. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and in the October 2000 suicide bombing of the USS Cole Navy destroyer.

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Amylin shares rise as Icahn raises stake

Biogen Idec Inc. was formed in 2003 upon the acquisition of Biogen, Inc. Biogen Idec (BIIB) is expected to deliver $0.92 earnings per share on revenue of $1.09 billion. Today's Trade Alerts include: Biogen Idec Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB), Toyota Motor Corp. (NYSE: TM), Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE: PBI), Evergreen Solar Inc. Biogen's 4Q profit grows as Icahn makes power playNEW YORK (AP) _ Activist investor Carl Icahn made another power play for Biogen Idec Inc. On the flipside, we see Biogen Idec (BIIB) down 4% on their results. Bankrate Inc. Biogen Idec Inc. Biogen Idec Inc. GAAP EPS on 20% revenue rise. Today we began tracking Novellus Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVLS), MICROS Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: MCRS), Biogen Idec Inc. (NASDAQ: BIIB) and Kforce Inc. Today, Biogen Idec (BIIB), Aon (AOC), and Weyerhaeuser (WY) are slated to step into the earnings confessional. (NYSE: AOC), expected at $0.78; Apt. Investment & Mgmt. It is similar to the powerplay he made prior to taking control of ImClone Systems Inc. in 2006 and his attempt to take over Biogen Idec Inc.

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Catherine Vogt Selected as Head US Open Water Coach for the 2009 ...

Shortly after being dropped by Kellogg, Phelps was suspended from competition for three months by USA Swimming. Michael Phelps lost a major sponsor (Kellogg's), and got suspended from competition for three months by USA Swimming. USA Swimming also banned him from competing for three months, knocking him out of the Grand Prix event in Texas in March. The swimming superstar has been suspended for three months and had his training stipend revoked by USA Swimming. Kellogg dropping Phelps | USA Swimming suspends Phelps for 3 months The admission rang hollow. USA Swimming suspends Phelps for 3 monthsMichael Phelps' day grew lousier by the hour on Thursday. After his WPIAL championship last year, he qualified for the USA Swimming Grand Prix meet in Columbus, Ohio. On Thursday, Kellogg's dropped him as a spokesman, and USA Swimming suspended him for three months. year-old Phelps a three month suspension from competition on Thursday. Reporter: AP COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. USA Swimming named Catherine Vogt (Los Angeles) as the head US open water coach for the 2009 FINA World Championships.

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Paul Kangas' Stocks in the News

During the October 2003 Microsoft developer conference, Chairman Bill Gates laid out Microsoft's vision for the PC in 2006. Mean while in some other room @ TED, Bill Gates unleashes mosquito swarm on the audience. At a recent conference, Microsoft's "I'ma PC" campaign took a strange twist when BG himself released a plague upon the crowd. Millionaires and billionaires, such as Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates, should put money into bailing out this government. The senior said she might call “Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Tyra Banks” to get the money to keep the school open. Microsoft (MSFT) $0.13 gain although founder Bill Gates is predicting more economic weakness for the next three to four years.

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Kraft South Beach entrees OD on salt

The Henry and Stark County Health Departments staff announces that February has been designated American Heart Month. The study was published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. February is American Heart Month. "I salute American Heart Month, which calls attention to our nation's No. The American Heart Association isn't sure. They will say that one to two cups a day doesn't seem to be harmful. Special events in February include American Heart Month. Visit the Parkland YMCA for wellness incentive programs and lectures. Each winner will also be entered into a drawing that will take place at the end of American Heart Month for a chance to win autographed Cavs memorabilia. In observance of American Heart month, Longitude Health, Inc. The American Heart Association ties high blood pressure directly to a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

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term vision. Welcome to Cisco Systems second quarter fiscal year 2009 financial results conference call. (Operator instructions) Now I would like to introduce Ms. Cisco earnings down; January notably weakNEW YORK (AP) _ Technology bellwether Cisco Systems Inc. Technology bellwether Cisco Systems Inc. Technology bellwether Cisco Systems Inc. "We hope the academic community will take this research and expand on it." Large technology companies including Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO: After the close, Cisco Systems reported lower quarterly sales and earnings that nonetheless topped estimates. CSCO | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Cisco Systems Inc. Boxer and Ensign said many companies including Cisco Systems Inc. expanded hiring after repatriating cash.

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Mushinsky pushes for medical marijuana bill

M. M. Jodi Rell waited the full 10 days to call for the vote after former Rep. Kevin DelGobbo resigned. Charlie Crist of Florida, Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, and M. M. M. Jodi Rell's proposed budget includes $295 million in concessions from state employee unions that have not yet been reached. M. M. Jodi Rell shocked everyone with her proposal to eliminate the "bloat of bureacracy" known as probate courts. M. M. Jodi Rell's focus over the next two years is to stop losing more ground on the transportation front. M. M. Jodi Rell today unveiled a budget for the next two fiscal years that doesn’t propose tax increases. election in 2010. M. Jodi Rell makes. M. M. Jodi Rell and legislative leaders on Tuesday that "revenue enhancements" will be the price of any contract concessions. M. M. Federal stimulus money could help to free bonding money for the project, he said. Gov. M. Jodi Rell's office could not be reached for comment. M. Jodi Rell says, for the state’s economy. M. Jodi Rell vetoed the bill. It would have allowed small businesses access to a state insurance package. M. Jodi Rell proposes for the state budget and aid to towns today. M. Jodi Rell delivers her budget address today. Wallingford, submitted a bill that would legalize medical use of marijuana.

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Christian Bale’s rant on the Terminator: Salvation set has the internet buzzing. issue prequel before the movie arrives May 22. minute audio clip we hear Bale get upset when a crewmember interrupts a scene being filmed for Terminator Salvation. [Mirror] • Audio of Christian Bale ranting on the set of Terminator Salvation is now online for your listening pleasure. in a bad way! Hear his f-bomb-filled rant directed at a crew member. An audio tape of Bale chucking a wobbly on the set of Terminator Salvation was leaked on the internet yesterday.

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Church concert to benefit Habitat

Wright and her peers will complete their commitment by working in Habitat for Humanity's ReStore in Georgetown. When Habitat for Humanity opens housing for a family, we make a quilt for every child there. 7423. First Thursday. graders at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School. This is Mays first time owning her own home with help from the Lexington Habitat for Humanity. In addition to his work on the neighborhood council, Jim volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity, an organization familiar to many students, is experiencing hard financial times as well. Peter Augustin is a project leader for Habitat for Humanity. Approved a partnership with Habitat For Humanity. The final details of the partnership are not completed. Open House Tolling. 8 for a concert to benefit the Herkimer County Habitat for Humanity, a press release said.

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Let's build a former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Marriage Counseling Center for Wayward Politicians. plagued mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, resigned. [Guardian] Kwame Kilpatrick served 99 days in jail and was released last night, 25 pounds lighter, with a beard. Embattled former Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from jail early Tuesday. Embattled former Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from jail early Tuesday. Kwame Kilpatrick regained his freedom early Tuesday morning, emerging from jail after A young man appears to be smoking pot at a party. Embattled former Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from jail early Tuesday. Kwame Kilpatrick regained his freedom early Tuesday morning, emerging from jail after A young man appears to be smoking pot at a party. Embattled former Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from jail early Tuesday. Embattled former Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from jail early Tuesday. Embattled former Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was released from jail early Tuesday. Kwame Kilpatrick regained his freedom early Tuesday morning, emerging from jail after A young man appears to be smoking pot at a party. Kwame Kilpatrick regained his freedom early Tuesday morning, emerging from jail after A young man appears to be smoking pot at a party. 2009 AP Paul Sancya AP Kwame Kilpatrick, ex alcalde de Detroit, sale del Centro de Detención Andrew C. Former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick had wanted to sell the Detroit half of the tunnel to the City of Windsor. "We'll have our coverage," he said, "they'll have theirs, and we'll both be regretting we picked the day Kwame Kilpatrick is released."

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Friday ey

Memorial to Buddy Holly pilot dedicated at crash site

Tuesday marked the 50th anniversary of the plane crash that killed Holly, JP ‘The Big Bopper’ Richardson and Ritchie Valens. 6, 1999: A memorial is set up where Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and JP “The Big Bopper” Richardson, died in a plane crash in Clear Lake, Iowa. www.census.gov Feb. 3, 1959: A plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, kills Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, The Big Bopper and Roger Peterson. Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper died on Feb. 3, 1959, when their chartered plane crashed in rural Iowa. and-roll performers Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper in 1959. Buddy Holly, JP "Big Bopper" Richardson and Ritchie Valens have received many tributes since their final flight.

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Hockey Today

That's what so many people who know Craig Hartsburg like the most. �� just as the Lightning did earlier with Barry Melrose. The Senators went with Craig Hartsburg instead, but fired him late Sunday only 48 games into a disappointing season. Senators fire coach Hartsburg: Craig Hartsburg lasted less than one season with the unraveling Ottawa Senators. Craig Hartsburg lasted less than one season with the unraveling Senators. The Ottawa Senators fired coach Craig Hartsburg 48 games into his first season. Senators fire coach Hartsburg: Craig Hartsburg has been fired as coach of the Ottawa Senators. Fired coach Craig Hartsburg. Named Cory Clouston coach. year coach Craig Hartsburg. In other news on Monday, Bingo head coach Cory Clouston has been promoted to Ottawa to take over there for fired head coach Craig Hartsburg. 24-7 under Hartsburg. 4 the day before. Ottawa coach Craig Hartsburg, after Washington's Alex Ovechkin had a hat trick in the Capitals' 7-4 win over the Senators on Sunday.

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NBA Update

On a day where all the news surrounded Andrew Bynum, the night belonged to Kobe Bryant. Wallace suffered a nondisplaced fracture of a rib and a partially collapsed lung as a result of a foul from Andrew Bynum. NEW YORK (AP) Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum will miss eight to 12 weeks after tearing a ligament in his right knee. Andrew Bynum had been playing like a man possessed. Now, with Andrew Bynum likely out for six weeks, Odom is going to be the major beneficiary. Andrew Bynum's knee injury simply sucks if you own him. The Los Angeles Lakers won't know the severity of Andrew Bynum's right knee injury until today. The Lakers won't know the severity of Andrew Bynum's right knee injury until today. Some Celtics were disappointed to learn Lakers center Andrew Bynum isn't expected to play in Boston Thursday. The Los Angeles Lakers were waiting to receive MRI results on center Andrew Bynum’s right knee injury. Los Angeles lost center Andrew Bynum due to a sprained right knee in the first quarter, and he will face further tests. knee injury were expected last night.

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Ranking the Super Bowls

After making millions of dollars and playing in four Super Bowls, coming home to Cherokee was an easy choice for the Timmerman's. As we all know the Steelers won the Superbowl [barely] in what is being called one of the best Superbowls in history. It doesn't matter if you are only one behind us, because we have won two Super Bowls since you have even won a playoff game. He’d like to be enshrined along with Monk and Mann and keep the Super Bowls. But he’ll certainly take the memories. American to win a Superbowl championship. I can (or can't) remember a lot of Super Bowls that pitter out long before the last three minutes. The effect of this was to be seen on the party scene that accompanies Super Bowls. It was a game that will be brought up when they talk about the most memorable Super Bowls. "This kind of takes away some of the pain from those Super Bowls," Smith said. 2 in Super Bowls. Number of Super Bowls he's watched in person: zero. Beer vendors don't get a seat at the big game. More factoids for thought: 12 different franchises have lost the last 12 Super Bowls, with the AFC winning 7 of the last 9. Of the 10 Super Bowls played in the aughts, half of them have been decided in the final minutes.

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AP GoErie.com and the Erie Times-News invite you to post your thoughts on this article or column in the box below. In Pennsylvania, the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, predicting the already long winter will last for six more weeks. Buckeye Chuck agreed this year with his Pennsylvania counterpart, Punxsutawney Phil. As usual, Punxsutawney Phil emerged just after dawn for the big show in Pennsylvania. He saw his shadow in front of an estimated 13000 witnesses. By AP Please submit your comment only once. Your comment will be posted immediately after submission. known to friends as Chuck -- begs to differ with the famous furball in Pennsylvania. In February 2009, Shubenacadie Sam, Punxsutawney Phil and Wiarton Willie all predicted six more weeks of winter. Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? According to legend, if Phil doesn’t see his shadow, we’ll have an early spring. The verdict was confirmed by Punxsutawney Phil. So there you have it. We just have to bundle up and get started with our week. Looks like Punxsutawney Phil is predicting six more weeks of winter. And, some of those Steelers fans might journey up to see Punxsutawney Phil make his yearly prediction, will winter last another six weeks? (AP) Punxsutawney Phil is set to make his annual prediction regarding spring's arrival. The most famous Groundhog Day predictor, Punxsutawney Phil from up Pennsylvania way, has a better record, of course. The following stats use the one and only Punxsutawney Phil.

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